Samstag, März 27, 2010
Lustig sein
Noch ein Artikel. Älter zwar, aber ich hab ihn gradeirgendwoherper Twitter entdeckt: Steve Martin schreibt darüber wie es damals war, als er begann, witzig zu sein. Das ganze mit ein paar schönen, z.T. wehmütig machenden Anekdoten, z.B. als er Elvis traf:When Priscilla revealed Elvis to me, I was also revealed to Elvis. I'm sure he noticed that this 25-year-old stick figure was frozen firmly to the ground. About to pass me by, Elvis stopped, looked at me and said in his beautiful Mississippi drawl: "Son, you have an ob-leek sense of humor." Later, after his visit with Ann-Margret, he stopped by my dressing room and told me that he, too, had an oblique sense of humor - which he did - but that his audience didn't get it. Then he said, "Do you want to see my guns?" After emptying the bullets into his palm, he showed me two pistols and a derringer.Labels: linktip
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